The Maine's John O'Callaghan Reveals Favorite Tour Food, Talks Latest Album

Photo: Courtesy Virgin Music

iHeartRadio recently sat down with John O'Callaghan, lead vocalist of The Maine, to discuss the band's latest album, his tour favorites, and more! The artists released a brand new self-titled album on August 1st, existing as their 9th album to date. This album features unforgettable tracks such as "​​Dose No. 2," "​​How To Exit A Room," "​​Blame," and "​​Leave In Five" to name a few. O'Callaghan spoke on the band's vision for the album, and what fans can expect to hear from The Maine moving forward.

"We're just trying to open new doors creatively. Sound wise. I think we set out to do what we set out to do. I think we accomplished that. A lot of life changes have happened in the last couple of years in a really amazing way. All of that folded itself into what you will hear as The Maine."

He also revealed his favorite songs to perform live, stating that he was stuck between the band's latest song, and the obvious crowd pleaser.

"[It] generally coincides with either the newest song we've put out, or the song you can tell resonates the most with people. So maybe like 50% of the time its "Blame" or something like that and the other half would be like "Black Butterflies & Deja Vu." iHeartRadio also inquired about all things touring, asking O'Callaghan pressing questions like, "What's your favorite food to eat on tour?" And "What do you always need to have in your dressing room?"

"I don't really have a go-to [food] at this point. Ever since i've had a kid everything is just utilitarian, so literally just trying to eat to survive. I think before maybe it was a grilled cheese and tomato soup." As for a dressing room must-have, O'Callaghan answered:

"A must have in the dressing room would probably be (it sounds like a dependency) but probably some sort of alcohol, just to loosen the spirit a little bit and get your mind in a different place."

The standout also discussed pre and post show rituals, detailing a pre-show chant that the band has done before every show for the last 16 years, and a mild post-show ritual of a shower and a search for food to wind down.

When asked what it was like hearing the band's song on the radio for the first time, O'Callaghan explained that it is a feeling that he still hasn't gotten used to after 16 years.

"I'll personally never forget the first time I heard our song on the radio. it's one of those things now where even still if I hear it and I'm driving, I almost feel like I have to pull over because I feel like I want to turn it up and tell everybody that is next to me like 'Hey turn it to that station' but its definitely something that will never get familiar. It's always an incredible feeling. I kind of still get goosebumps thinking about it right now."

The Maine are currently on tour and are set to perform at the Four Chord Music Festival in Washington, Pennsylvania on Saturday, August 12th!

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